Proxmox - Set wake on lan

Set your proxmox node to respond at wake-on-lan messages Install ethtool Install ethtool go to your node shell apt install ethtool Get your interface name ip addr Check if wake-on-lan is already activ You need to find how your interface is named. You cal look for it under System > Network In our case our interface is named enp6s0 Look at the current configuration: ethtool enp6s0 If you find this row:...

December 23, 2021 · 1 min · Sabbadin Stefy

Proxmox - How To Use configure Spice Remote Desktop

When using Proxmox as your favorite virtualization platform, you will come across the need to connect to your VMs. In case of a Windows VM, the classic way to do it may be to activate RDP from within your Windows VM and connect through it. But a more open source solution can be to configure the Spice protocol to access to your development machines. Spice Protocol To keep it super simple and basic, it’s composed of four elements:...

November 14, 2021 · 2 min · Sabbadin Stefy