Server Administration

Server Administration We will assume you have an fresh new instance of Ubuntu hosted somewhere, or you a new create VM on your local computer for development purposes Let’s create a new user For security reasons, we will create a new user “weby” with the following command adduser weby and set a password: passwd weby Add the new user to the wheel group gpasswd -a weby wheel

August 23, 2021 · 1 min · Sabbadin Stefy

Flask - Deploy A Flask Application To Your Ubuntu Server

Setup an Ubutu Server For Deployment We will asume that you have a fresh istance of Ubuntu Server at hand. First step we will create a new user to our Ubuntu Server. In our case we name our user sir adduser sir Here the console will ask to enter a password for your new user. Choose a strong password that you can easily remenber. Now we need to give to the new user the ability to run program with the sudo command....

2 min · Sabbadin Stefy